Video: Rev. Sirico on Sanders at the Vatican

This afternoon, Acton Institute President Rev. Robert A. Sirico joined host Neil Cavuto on Fox Business Network’s Cavuto: Coast to Coast to discuss Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders’ visit to the Vatican to participate in a conference examining Pope John Paul II’s 1991 encyclical Centesimus Annus. Continue Reading...

Are We Better Off If We Buy Local?

Does spending more money locally keep money in the community, creating jobs and improving the economic situation of our immediate neighbors? Probably not. Economist Don Boudreaux shows that if we bought everything because it was “local” (rather than because it was the best product or service) we would just be voluntarily making ourselves poorer. Continue Reading...

A Simple Tool for Measuring Economic Well-Being

Is the average American better off today economically than they were 4 years ago? What about 40 years ago? How would you go about answering those questions? In this video economist Alex Tabarrok explains the difference between nominal and real GDP and shows us a simple tool that can help us determine if our economic well-being as a nation is increasing or decreasing. Continue Reading...

Right and Wrong as a Clue to the Meaning of the Universe

During World War II, when Britain was fighting against the evils of Nazism, the director of religious programming at the BBC, asked C.S. Lewis to give some talks about faith. The Oxford professor reluctantly agreed, and on August 6, 1941, at 7:45 in the evening he gave his first broadcast. Continue Reading...

Video & Audio: Todd Huizinga On The New Totalitarian Temptation

Acton’s Director of International Outreach Todd Huizinga has been quite busy since the release of his book The New Totalitarian Temptation: Global Governance and the Crisis of Democracy in Europe. Last week Thursday, he continued to talk about this topic in an Acton Lecture Series address that we’re pleased to share with you today on the PowerBlog. Continue Reading...

A Conservative’s Plea: Let’s Work Together

Conservatives and liberals both tend to believe that they alone are motivated by love while their opponents are motivated by hate. How can we solve problems with so much polarization? In a recent TED talk, AEI president Arthur Brooks shares ideas for what we can each do as individuals to break the gridlock. Continue Reading...
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