Video: Rev. Robert A. Sirico At Acton’s 26th Anniversary Dinner

On October 27, 2016, Acton Institute President Rev. Robert A. Sirico addressed the audience at the Acton Institute’s 26th Anniversary Dinner in Grand Rapids, Michigan. In his remarks, he reflected on the state of American politics and culture, the societal crisis we find ourselves in, and proposed a way forward based on a vision of a free and virtuous society. Continue Reading...

Understanding elasticity of Demand

Note: This is the eighth post in a weekly video series on basic microeconomics. Prices can have an effect on the demand of goods and services. But how much does quantity demanded change when prices changes? Continue Reading...

Immigrants: Don’t vote for what you fled!

Many of America’s immigrants fled nations that were ruined by corrupt politicians and failed government policies. So why, asks Gloria Alvarez, “do you support the same policies in the U.S. that caused you to flee your home country?” Continue Reading...

Does the equilibrium model work in the real world?

Note: This is the seventh post in a weekly video series on basic microeconomics. In previous videos in this series from Marginal Revolution University we learned how prices reach equilibrium and how the market works like an invisible hand coordinating economic activity. Continue Reading...

How to explain the entitlement crisis to an 8-year-old

During tonight’s presidential candidate debate, Trump and Clinton should (but almost surely won’t) address America’s entitlement crisis. If they need some help to explain it to the public they can use this video, based on Nicholas Eberstadt’s book, A Nation of Takers, which provides a Seussian tale about the dangerous dependency of entitlements and the importance of liberty. Continue Reading...

Video: Rev. Sirico On The Podesta Emails

Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President of the Acton Institute, joined host Neil Cavuto on Fox News Channel’s The Cost of Freedom this morning to discuss the controversial comments about conservative Catholics and Evangelicals by Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta and other campaign staffers in a recently released batch of hacked emails from Wikileaks. Continue Reading...
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