Religion & Liberty Online Archives

Shareholder Activism

Frankenfish? No, It’s Just a Salmon

My many mentors over the course of my lifetime thus far have advised me, to a person, to be more optimistic and less cynical. The glass, they told me, always should be perceived as half-full regardless the circumstances. Continue Reading...

IRS Back-Door Enforcer of Shareholder Activists’ Agenda

I’m not entirely sure, but it seems a safe bet that Chicago bluesman Willie Dixon wasn’t referring to the Internal Revenue Service when he wrote his classic “Back Door Man.” But, as it turns out, the IRS is serving as a convenient back-door resource for the progressive movement to name and shame donors to causes and organizations opposed by leftist shareholder activists. Continue Reading...

De-Carbonise and Destroy the Global Economy

Hoo boy…the circus is coming to town. Paris is hosting the Conference of Parties (COP21) in December, that is, and the Big Top of big-government solutions to climate-change claims will, of course, include shareholder activists, many of them dressing up their progressive “sustainability” agendas with lots of churchy talk. Continue Reading...

Green America’s War on Restaurants

The network of leftist shareholder activism is complex and wide-ranging. In the name of progressive causes, they pressure companies to forfeit profitability, reduce investment returns, raise costs to customers and threaten both actual and potential jobs. Continue Reading...

Shareholder Activists’ Scare Tactics

Global warming alarmists at the U.S. Department of Energy are seeking to harsh Halloween’s mellow this year. The DOE’s website this week features stories on costuming children as solar panels and methane emissions from rotting jack-o’-lanterns contributing to climate change. Continue Reading...

As You Sow’s Multi-Faith Scientism

This year is shaping up as an annus horribilus for those opposed to public and private policy climate-change “solutions” that would reverse decades of advancements in wealth creation and the obliteration of poverty. Continue Reading...
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