Religion & Liberty Online Archives

Effective Compassion

Bottle Deposits and Behavior

I have taken an unofficial and unplanned hiatus from PowerBlogging over the last few weeks as I worked toward finishing up a book manuscript that you’ll hear much more about in the coming days. Continue Reading...

Pure and Undefiled Religion

James 1:27 states: Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. Continue Reading...

Catholic Health Care Rifts

As rumors of congressional action on health-care reform continue to swirl (it will happen Sunday, maybe?), fissures in the American Catholic community are becoming increasingly evident. The rift is highlighted in the current, in some ways unprecedented, public dispute between two important Catholic voices. Continue Reading...

Faith through failing works?

The Civil Society Trust reviews Jay Richards’ book “Money, Greed and God” (buy it here) and reflects on government compassion. We can read in Genesis that man was created by God, in His own image. Continue Reading...

Giving Good Food Well

A local food bank and distribution network was featured on a Michigan Radio piece the other day, and it really captures how to give to people in a way that respects their dignity. Continue Reading...

Ineffective Compassion?

Writers on this blog have pointed to a lot of examples of effective compassion when it comes to charity and public policy. But what can ineffective compassion, or maybe just a lack compassion, look like? Continue Reading...

Haiti and Solidarity

Published today on National Review Online: When I first heard the news from Haiti and watched the horrible stories on television, I had the same impulse I imagine millions around the world experienced: I found myself thinking of catching the next plane to Port-au-Prince to help in whatever way I could. Continue Reading...