5 Basic Principles of Christian Stewardship

In Faithful in All God’s House: Stewardship and the Christian Life, Lester DeKoster and Gerard Berghoef explore the range and reach of Christian stewardship, emphasizing that the practice of stewardship extends far beyond the handling of our money, stretching into life and time and destiny. Continue Reading...

Scott Rae on How Business Serves the Common Good

In a lecture at Acton University titled “Business and the Common Good,” Dr. Scott Rae of Biola University examined the role of business in serving the common good. Rae began by examining some of the common criticisms lobbed against business, namely, that it promotes greed, inequality, and consumerism. Continue Reading...

Business, Culture-Making, and the Rich Life of Discipleship

Over at the Institute for Work, Faith and Economics, Dr. Vincent Bacote follows up on a previous post on business as Christian cultural engagement, explaining how such engagement needn’t be separated from our view of discipleship: If we regard discipleship as the “spiritual” part of our life, we are certainly correct that it has everything to do with how we relate to God in our internal life. Continue Reading...

What Do Entrepreneurs Pray About?

“How is religion related to entrepreneurial behavior?” As Joe Carter pointed out last week, a new study by Baylor University sought to examine this very question. Focusing specifically on American entrepreneurs, researchers Mitchell J. Continue Reading...

Tim Keller: 5 Ways the Bible Shapes Our Work

At The Gospel Coalition’s 2013 National Conference, Tim Keller kicked off a Faith at Work post-conference by exploring what it means to be a Christian in the marketplace. Keller argues that we have to view our work through the larger Biblical story of Creation > Fall > Redemption > Restoration. Continue Reading...
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