New Video: HHS Mandate and Religious Liberty

What would Diedrich Bonhoeffer have to say about the HHS mandate? Eric Metaxas–best selling author of the biographies on William Wilberforce and Bonhoeffer:Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy gives us some insight in this 2 minute video that explains the real issue behind the HHS Mandate: Religious liberty He’s joined by economist Jennifer Roback Morse, a Catholic economist and founder and president of the Ruth Institute. Continue Reading...

An Aberration of Human History

On AEI’s Values & Capitalism blog, RJ Moeller kicks off a new series that will “highlight the work and ideas of people advocating for free enterprise in especially compelling and interesting ways” with a review of Rev. Continue Reading...

The Heresy of the Prosperity Gospel

We have just wrapped up Acton University, our annual conference that focuses on integrating Christian theology and sound economic thinking. In light of that, it was interesting to read this post at, Continue Reading...

North Dakotans Vote on Religious Liberty

Citizens of North Dakota will be voting today on an amendment to the state’s constitution that supporters say will guarantee religious freedom: Measure 3 is worded this way: “Government may not burden a person’s or religious organization’s religious liberty.” Continue Reading...

Only a Sunday Believer?

“I do my religion on Sundays.” That was House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s answer to a press conference question on the Catholic Church’s stance on contraception, according to The Washington Examiner. Continue Reading...

On the Morality of Capitalism

“It is a common belief that capitalism ‘delivers the goods’ and creates prosperity,” says Isaac Morehouse, but does so only at the cost of our souls, our dignity and our humanity.” Continue Reading...

A Liberal Wolf in Communitarian Clothing

The problem with communitarianism, claims Bradley C. S. Watson, is that it views religion as an instrumental good and individual virtue as destructive: Communitarianism comes to sight as a movement that sees, far more clearly than liberalism, that the private sphere and private goods are rooted in, and in turn have an effect on, public goods. Continue Reading...