Video: Paul Bonicelli on Trump’s way forward after AHCA

Acton Institute Director of Programs and Education Paul Bonicelli joins host Liz Claman and columnist and pundit Ellis Henican on Fox Business Channel’s “Countdown to the Closing Bell” to discuss the way forward for President Trump after the failure of congressional Republican efforts to repeal Obamacare. Continue Reading...

Video: Rev. Sirico on religion and the inauguration of President Trump

Acton Institute President Rev. Robert A. Sirico joined host Neal Cavuto this morning on Fox News Channel’s Cost of Freedom to provide commentary on the national prayer service held today at the Washington National Cathedral as part of the activities surrounding the inauguration of President Donald Trump, and to examine the role the civil religion has played throughout American history. Continue Reading...

Samuel Gregg on Pope Francis, encyclicals, and Argentina

Jorge Bergoglio, the Argentine Pope, has led the Catholic Church for four years.  He released two encyclicals, Evangelli gaudium (2013) and Laudato si’ (2015).  Samuel Gregg recently sat down with Anthony Gill of the Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion for an in depth discussion on Pope Francis’ encyclicals among a few other topics such as Argentina and how Juan Perón may have inspired the Pope on his views of economics. Continue Reading...

An ecumenical Methodist: Thomas Oden (1931–2016)

Thomas Oden, considered by many to be one of the premier Methodist theologians in America, died yesterday at the age of 85. Oden was the author of numerous theological works, including the three-volume systematic theology The Word of Life, Life in the Spirit, and The Living God. Continue Reading...

Musings from Nobel Laureate Vernon L. Smith

UPDATE: The full interview is now available online. ### In June, Nobel economist Vernon L. Smith gave an Acton University speech titled “Faith and the Compatibility of Science and Religion.” While he was in Grand Rapids, he sat down with Victor V. Continue Reading...

Video: Rev. Sirico On The Podesta Emails

Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President of the Acton Institute, joined host Neil Cavuto on Fox News Channel’s The Cost of Freedom this morning to discuss the controversial comments about conservative Catholics and Evangelicals by Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta and other campaign staffers in a recently released batch of hacked emails from Wikileaks. Continue Reading...

Catholicism in a world of secular moralism

Acton Institute Director of Research, Samuel Gregg, wrote a piece for The Catholic World Report yesterday talking about Catholics in an age of secular moralism.  Often times, Catholics fall into a trap of reducing their faith to various political, economic, and social agendas, losing sight of what is at the core of true Catholicism.  Continue Reading...

Finance, Faith, and Human Flourishing

Samuel Gregg’s most recent book For God and Profit continues to receive great reviews.  The most recent comes from author and speaker John Horvat, II at The Stream.  Horvat begins his review by highlighting the way Gregg reconciles the pursuit of profits with Christianity. Continue Reading...