Religion & Liberty Online Archives

International Affairs

New French language article: « Bonne nouvelle, même les socialistes aiment le marché libre! »

The Acton Institute’s Religion & Liberty Transatlantic website has published its second article translated into French: « Bonne nouvelle, même les socialistes aiment le marché libre! » It is a translation of the article, “Great news: Even ‘socialists’ love the free market (poll),” which notes that the same Gallup poll showing socialism’s growing popularity also finds that the vast majority of Americans trust the free market, rather than the government, to regulate the economy. Continue Reading...

Brexit and Trump’s UK visit

I was recently in an interview on NTN24 (a CNN-type TV channel for the Spanish-speaking world) about President Donald Trump’s visit to the United Kingdom. Although the topic of Brexit was not supposed to be on the agenda for this state visit—especially in the presence of the queen—it seemed that Brexit was the first topic Trump brought up. Continue Reading...

Jordan Ballor: The price of D-Day and the Prince of Peace

In a radio address broadcast 75 years ago today, Franklin D. Roosevelt asked Almighty God to lead the United States “with our sister Nations into a world unity that will spell a sure peace a peace invulnerable to the schemings of unworthy men, and a peace that will let all of men live in freedom, reaping the just rewards of their honest toil.” Continue Reading...