September 19, 2019
September 19, 2019
China replaces Ten Commandments with socialist propaganda: Report
Congregations in China’s officially recognized Protestant church have been forced to replace God’s commandments to Moses with a quotation about the triumph of socialism, according to a religious liberty watchdog. The action literally substitutes socialism as an idol, in violation of the First Commandment. Continue Reading...
September 18, 2019
The Jacobins’ manifesto: ‘The Socialist Manifesto’ by Bhaskar Sunkara
September 18, 2019
Fact check: Did the wealth tax increase the number of millionaires?
“If you want less of something, tax it,” the old adage goes. If that is the case, why is a prominent European newspaper reporting that the number of millionaires increased after one nation introduced a wealth tax? Continue Reading...
September 17, 2019
Rev. Ben Johnson at Natl Catholic Register: Praying to the true ‘King of Israel’
The week after Donald Trump tweeted a message proclaiming himself the “second coming of God,” I decided to say a prayer to the “King of Israel” (although quietly, since my bishop encouraged me to pray so softly that no parishioner would hear me). Continue Reading...
September 17, 2019
Alejandro Chafuen in Forbes: The uncertainties of the Brexit debate
Acton’s own Alejandro Chafuen recently returned from a visit to England, and today in Forbes he offers a few of his impressions and analyses of the contentious Brexit process. The political machinations of the current situation are seemingly endless, but its ramifications are more than just political. Continue Reading...
September 17, 2019
New ‘Religion & Liberty’ focuses on the student loan crisis
The newest issue of Religion & Liberty has been uploaded. You can view it here.
This issue of Religion & Liberty focuses on higher education in all its fulness.
Two statistics throw the college tuition crisis into stark relief: Since 1978 – the year the federal government offered subsidized loans to all students – the cost of college tuition has risen by 1,375 percent. Continue Reading...
September 17, 2019
5 facts about the U.S. Constitution
Today is Constitution Day, which is observed every year to remember the Founding Fathers signing the Constitution on September 17, 1787. Here are five facts you need to know about the Constitution:
1. Continue Reading...
September 16, 2019
Only an EU ‘empire’ can secure liberty: EU leader
Is a European-wide empire compatible with liberty? A prominent EU leader recommended transforming the European Union into an “empire” at a UK political party conference this weekend, to sustained applause.
“The world order of tomorrow … is a world order based on empires,” said Guy Verhofstadt, a Member of European Parliament (MEP) and the EU’s chief negotiator on Brexit. Continue Reading...
September 13, 2019
Fact check: 5 facts about the third Democratic debate of 2019
The Democratic Party held its third presidential debate on Thursday night. The 10 hopefuls made at least five proposals that were based on erroneous premises or that would harm the country. Continue Reading...