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International Affairs

Benjamin Franklin’s advice on the Chicago schools strike

Their last remaining dispute in the Chicago schools strike could be resolved if both sides understood a basic economic concept taught by one of the nation’s Founding Fathers. Although the Chicago Public Schools and the Chicago Teachers Union announced a tentative agreement Wednesday evening, the Second City’s 300,000-plus students still began their eleventh day outside the classroom Thursday, because the CTU added a new demand Wednesday night. Continue Reading...

Chile in flames

It’s been a good week for the left throughout Latin America. In Columbia, center-left and left-wing parties did well in regional election. Argentina also took a left-turn with a left-wing Peronist easily winning the presidency, and bringing the former president Cristina Kirchner back to office as Vice-President. Continue Reading...

Commemorating two genocides: Armenian and Communist

Halloween may be fast upon us, but October 29 and 30 have marked the bloodiest commemorations of the year. In the last two days, the world has belatedly remembered the genocide of Armenian Christians and the brutal repression of all dissidents by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Continue Reading...

Updated: 5 reasons the Chicago teachers’ strike is immoral

The Chicago Public School system’s 361,314 registered students are starting their tenth day at home this morning, as their teachers union strikes for its fourteenth cumulative day. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have publicly supported the 32,000 teachers and school staff (represented by the Chicago Teachers Union and SEIU, respectively) on the picket line – but there are five reasons people of faith should not join them. Continue Reading...

What Elizabeth Warren could learn from Emmanuel Macron

A cartoon published just after the fall of the Berlin Wall showed two travelers moving in different directions, one personifying former Eastern Bloc nations and the other the NATO allies: The two met as the former Warsaw Pact countries rushed away from socialism and the West hurried toward it. Continue Reading...

Liberation theology never really went away says Samuel Gregg

October 27 marked the close of the Synod of Bishops on the Amazon, a summit organized to foster conversation on pastoral ministry and ecological concerns in the Amazon region. Although the synod report has not been released yet, many predict that it will reflect just how deep the roots of Marxist liberation theology — or ecology — have grown in Latin American Catholicism. Continue Reading...

Alejandro Chafuen in Forbes: Young Europeans’ views of totalitarianism

Alejandro Chafuen, Acton’s Managing Director, International, wrote recently in Forbes to give his thoughts on a recent survey that examined young Europeans’ attitudes toward various strains of totalitarianism. Attitudes in different countries vary, of course, and – unsurprisingly – communism is viewed more favorably in countries that were never behind the Iron Curtain than in many eastern ones where the historical memory of it lives on. Continue Reading...