Freedom vs. the new freedom: Reflections on the early Drucker

Peter Drucker’s first book, The End of Economic Man (1939), attempted to explain the growing appeal of fascism and Marxist communism in the first half of the twentieth century. For example, he wrote: The old aims and accomplishments of democracy: protection of dissenting minorities, clarification of issues through free discussion, compromise between equals, do not help in the new task of banishing the demons. Continue Reading...

Magic cards and market forces

Back in the 1990s, the debut of Magic: The Gathering marked a new form of gaming: collectible card games. While many may remember it similarly to Pogs, for example, Magic survived where Pogs did not. Continue Reading...

How ideologues devalue and dismiss economics

Economics is often dismissed as ideological, reductionist, and mendacious. In the United States we see these criticisms increasingly from both the political left and right. This should come as no surprise as the lessons of economics have implications for the prudential decisions that make up much of our political life. Continue Reading...

Bernie Sanders: The apologist for inequality

Since Bernie Sanders announced his candidacy for president in the 2020 election, he has brought a seemingly disastrous and looming problem to the attention of the American people, much like he did in his 2016 run: income inequality accompanied by the tyrannical rule of the elite 1%. Continue Reading...
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