Religion & Liberty Online Archives

Christian Social Thought

Is Capitalism the Most Biblical Economic Model?

Richard Land argues the case that free-market capitalism is the economic model that most closely fits in with Christian anthropology: When I lived in England as a Ph.D. student, I was visited during my first fortnight in the country by a fellow student seeking to sign me up for the Socialist Club. Continue Reading...

Os Guinness on Solzhenitsyn and Truth

Os Guinness makes the concise yet brilliant defense of the centrality of truth in the introduction to One Word of Truth: A portrait of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn by David Aikman. This short introduction not only offers keen insight into Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, but directly speaks to the ills of our society. Continue Reading...

The New Christian Consumerism

Young people everywhere are attracted to the idea of doing good as they consume products and services. Tom’s Shoes appear on the feet of students all over my campus. The shoes come with a promise that a pair will be distributed in the underdeveloped world each time a pair is purchased. Continue Reading...

Russian Warns on Demonic Roots of Socialism

In Rome to address a conference sponsored by the Dignitatis Humanae Institute (Institute for Human Dignity) on June 29, Russian pro-life campaigner Alexey Komov expressed amazement for the support that socialism gets in some quarters in the West even though it has “never worked in world history.” Continue Reading...

Telling Pharaoh To Keep His Money

Ismael Hernandez, founder and executive director of the Freedom & Virtue Institute and Acton University lecturer, has written a piece in Crisis Magazine detailing why the Church should cut purse strings with the federal government. Continue Reading...
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