Crony Capitalism – Page 4 – Religion & Liberty Online

Democrats proposed subsidies do not make the rent any less high

Democratic Senators and Presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Cory Booker have both recently proposed legislation to address the issue of rising housing costs. Senator Harris’ bill ‘The Rent Relief Act’ and Senator Booker’s bill ‘Housing, Opportunity, Mobility, and Equity Act’ both focus on assisting people who pay more than 30% of their gross income on rent or, in the case of Senator Harris’s bill, rent and utilities. Continue Reading...

Cronyism and conservatives

A major problem with America’s economy is what’s often called “crony capitalism” or simply “cronyism.” In other places, I’ve defined cronyism as the situation in which free markets are hollowed out and replaced by political markets. Continue Reading...

Samuel Gregg: What is crony capitalism?

In an interview for Guatemala’s Universidad Francisco Marroquin, Samuel Gregg, the Director of Research here at the Acton Institute, answered questions about crony capitalism, mentioning how it works and his worries about this problem. Continue Reading...