6 Quotes: Peter Augustine Lawler on virtue

Peter Augustine Lawler died last week at the age of 65. Lawler, who referred to himself as a “postmodern conservative”, was a distinguished political philosopher and public intellectual who frequently wrote about the role of virtue in the modern (or postmodern) world. Continue Reading...

6 Quotes: Friedrich Hayek on economics and freedom

Yesterday was the 25th anniversary of the death of the Austrian and British economist Friedrich Hayek. Throughout his life the Nobel-winning philosopher defended civil liberties and political freedom and warned against the Keynesian welfare state and of totalitarian socialism. Continue Reading...

6 Quotes: Ronald Reagan on freedom

Today is the 106th birthday of Ronald Reagan, the fortieth president of the United States. Reagan was a great lover of America and one of the most eloquent advocates of liberty in modern history In honor of his birthday, here are six quotes on freedom by President Reagan: “Freedom is the right to question and change the established way of doing things. Continue Reading...

6 Quotes: Sowell on economics and ideas

Over the past few decades, economist Thomas Sowell, age 86, has been one of the most effective, yet under-appreciated, proponents of conservative and libertarian economic thought. He is also one of our most powerful critics of the often destructive and harmful effects of liberal economic policies. Continue Reading...

6 quotes to help reflect on Captive Nations Week

On Tuesday, President Obama declared this week Captive Nations Week. The first Captive Nations Week was in 1959, proclaimed by President Eisenhower to call attention to the oppression of several countries in the Soviet Bloc and to encourage Americans to support fight for democracy and liberty worldwide. Continue Reading...

6 Quotes: Friedrich Hayek on economics and freedom

Yesterday was the 116th birthday of the late Austrian and British economist Friedrich Hayek. Throughout his life the Nobel-winning philosopher defended civil liberties and political freedom and warned against the Keynesian welfare state and of totalitarian socialism. Continue Reading...