On the real meaning of Christmas

“Opinions alter, manners change, creeds rise and fall,” says Rev. Robert A. Sirico in this week’s Acton Commentary, “but the moral law is written on the tablets of eternity.” In 1776, there were fewer than one billion people on Earth. Continue Reading...

Do occupational licensing laws respect human rights?

“Occupational licensing laws harm workers, as well as consumers who purchase services from professionals that require licensure,” says Tyler Bonin in this week’s Acton Commentary. “This harm is disproportionately placed on economically disadvantaged populations. Continue Reading...

The further reformation of all of life

“One of the famous formulas to come out of the Reformation era is that of semper reformanda, which means ‘always reforming,’” says Jordan Ballor in this week’s Acton Commentary. “This is a particularly appropriate topic for this observance of Reformation Day, now 500 years after Luther’s publication of the 95 Theses.” Continue Reading...

What is ‘economic man’?

“Intellectuals are often vocal critics of capitalism. Most of them lean left politically, so it is easy to identify anti-capitalism with progressivism,” says Kishore Jayabalan in this week’s Acton Commentary. “It is therefore no coincidence that the modern welfare state has been administered by elites eager to correct supposed market failures on the way to a more egalitarian society. Continue Reading...

Upstream: A Conversation on Artist Renee Radell

On the Upstream segment of this week’s Radio Free Acton podcast, I discuss the visual art of Renee Radell with Gregory Wolfe. Radell’s work is the subject of Renee Radell: Web of Circumstance (Predmore Press, 2016, 220 pages, $80), a book presenting a career overview of her artistic efforts. Continue Reading...

Knowledge, humility and evangelical witness

“On September 1, Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew issued a joint message for the ‘World Day of Prayer for Creation.’” says Rev. Gregory Jensen in this week’s Acton Commentary. “Their statement rightfully reminds us that we all have an ‘obligation to use the Earth’s goods responsibly.’ Continue Reading...
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