Yago Martins

Yago Martins is an award-winning Brazilian author of 20 books in the areas of theology, political science, and sociology. He has a Th.M. in systematic theology and postgraduate degrees in political economy, neuroscience, and applied psychology. After sleeping on the streets with beggars and narrating his experience in the book A Máfia dos Mendigos [The Beggar Mafia] in 2019, he has taken to mass media in Brazil to discuss poverty issues.

Posts by Yago Martins

Why I Slept on the Streets for a Year

Poverty has always been part of my life. First, in my own family: we were considerably poor, and I spent my entire childhood surrounded by poverty. Over the years, while pastoring a church and training new pastors at seminary, I became involved in relief projects for those who were even poorer than I was. Continue Reading...