Sarah Stanley

Posts by Sarah Stanley

Corruption and lack of transparency in Rome

The recent “Vatileaks” scandal is almost entirely an Italian problem, according to Kishore Jayabalan, director of Istituto Acton. In a recent article for The Stream, Jayabalan describes his own experience moving to Italy and dealing with some of the corruption and problems he immediately faced, and how this culture ultimately caused the Vatileaks controversy: When I first moved [to Italy] to work for the Vatican, my boss told me the hardest part of the transfer would be finding a place to live. Continue Reading...

Religion & Liberty: Kitchen Redemption

Early in October, I took a trip to Cleveland to learn about Edwins Leadership and Restaurant Institute and its founder, Brandon Chrostowski. Edwins is the “teaching hospital” of restaurants. It teaches people with zero hospitality experience the basics of restaurant business through a free six month course. Continue Reading...

Russell Kirk and Christian Humanism

Writing for the Morning Sun, Acton’s frequent contributor Bruce Walker, discusses Russell Kirk, calling him a “Christian Humanist.” Walker argues that not only was Kirk a talented writer, but he also understood other Christian humanists and was able to clarify some of their works and theories: Kirk may not have been the first, but was the scholar best able to identify [T. Continue Reading...

New Abraham Kuyper Series Launched

A major new series is now available: Abraham Kuyper Collected Works in Public Theology. A website from the series publisher,, went live today, where you can learn more about Abraham Kuyper, stay up to date on the latest from the Abraham Kuyper Translation Society, and order English translations of his work. Continue Reading...

Upcoming event to tackle assault on freedoms

Attacks on liberty seem to be the new normal, especially direct assault on freedom of speech and religious liberty. The news is filled with stories about Europeans and Americans being accused of “hate speech,” universities creating absurd speech codes, and faithful Christians being told to violate their beliefs or face jail time or fines. Continue Reading...

The Jewish roots of freedom

On September 9, leading scholars of the world came together to discuss the ways in which Judaism and Christianity have contributed to building the foundations of liberty. “Judaism, Christianity, and the West: Building and preserving the institutions of freedom” was the fourth conference in the “One and indivisible? Continue Reading...

Religion & Liberty: From cuneiform to Kindle

Few industries have evolved quite as quickly and fundamentally in the last few years as publishing. Leading the way in this changing landscape is Bob Pritchett, CEO of Faithlife Corporation. This summer issue of Religion & Liberty begins with an interview with Pritchett, who discusses how Faithlife sets trends in the publishing industry rather than simply responding to them. Continue Reading...

Free ebook: ‘On Christians and Prosperity’

Acton’s latest monograph, On Christians and Prosperity by Rev. James V. Schall will be free as an eBook until midnight on Thursday. To download your free copy, visit In this work, Schall discusses poverty and economic prosperity, including the Christian calling to contribute to human flourishing and care for the poor. Continue Reading...

Catholicism’s tension with the Enlightenment

In a recent article for The Stream, Acton’s Director of Research, Samuel Gregg asks the question, “Is Catholicism Compatible with the American Experiment?” Gregg cites an article by political philosopher Patrick Deneen who suggested that “the main argument among American Catholics will concern the relationship of modern liberal democracies–and, at a deeper level, the American Founding–with Catholicism.” Continue Reading...