Sarah Stanley

Posts by Sarah Stanley

Pelosi and the ‘Bible Folks’

According to Breitbart, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Thursday was caught making claims about “Bible Folks” that weren’t exactly accurate: Pelosi told the assembled media: ‘The fact is that many Republicans in our country support comprehensive immigration reform.The Continue Reading...

Is Fair Trade Coffee Curing Poverty?

“Who could be against fairness?” Victor Claar asked this question at Acton University last month. He and Travis Hester gave a talk titled, “Fair Trade Versus Free Trade” with their focus on the coffee industry. Continue Reading...

‘The New Exodus’

Violence from Muslim extremists is causing Christians to flee the Middle East in staggering numbers. In the early nineties, there were 1.3 million Christians living in Iraq and today there are less than 200,000. Continue Reading...

Will Think Tanks Replace Universities?

Alejandro Chafuen, board member of the Acton Institute and a contributor to, has recently written an op/ed asking, “Will think tanks become the universities of the 21st century?” He says that “think tanks and the academy in all likelihood, were united at birth.” Continue Reading...