Stephen O. Presley

Stephen O. Presley serves as the Senior Fellow for Religion and Public Life at the Center for Religion, Culture & Democracy. He completed his undergraduate work at Baylor University and earned a Th.M. in historical theology from Dallas Theological Seminary. He also received a Ph.D. from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, where he carried out his research in patristics. Presley is the author of numerous books, articles, and essays, including a forthcoming book on cultural engagement in early Christianity (Eerdmans).

Posts by Stephen O. Presley

A Conductor on the Underground Railroad

The Conductor by Caleb Franz conveys the fascinating story of the Reverend John Rankin of Ripley, Ohio, a highly influential figure in the abolitionist cause of the 19th century. Rankin’s story is largely unknown, overshadowed by the more celebrated figures of the antebellum period and the Civil War. Continue Reading...

Finding Contentment in the Chaos

In today’s ever-changing world, contentment seems like a forgotten virtue. The pace of our gig economy only seems to be speeding up, as institutions and organizations all struggle to adjust to new realities. Continue Reading...

Engaging the Culture for Christ

Billy Graham was often called “America’s Pastor.” Throughout the 20th century, few rivaled his spiritual influence over the nation. But as we slink into the 21st century, its seems that the pastor for our day is Timothy Keller. Continue Reading...