Noah Gould

Noah C. Gould is the Alumni & Student Programs manager at the Acton Institute and a contributor for Young Voices. His writings on economics, business, and culture have appeared in outlets such as National Review, Detroit News, and Newsweek. He is a graduate of Grove City College. Follow him on X @NoahCGould1.

Posts by Noah Gould

From the Cold War to China, human flourishing is what really matters

A second Cold War has been brewing between global superpowers. The recent G-7 summit was merely the latest incident in the struggle for global hegemony between China and the U.S. The seven western powers who met for the summit released a statement condemning the Chinese government for its treatment of the Uyghur people, as well as its crackdowns in Hong Kong and lack of transparency in handling the COVID-19 outbreak and pandemic. Continue Reading...

Poverty Cure Essay Contest winners, 2021

How can we effectively combat poverty? Students from across the globe answered that question and brought fresh ideas to the table in our recent essay competition, which took place as a part of the 2020 Poverty Cure Summit. Continue Reading...
Acton Institute building

Checks and balances were built for today

First, a truism: Checks and balances are at the foundation of our national government. Second, a cliché: The U.S. is increasingly polarized. Combining these two, many commentators have been eager to forecast the end of checks and balances in a time of political jockeying. Continue Reading...

Talking around the turkey: pre-political blessings

Talking politics around the turkey can turn November 26th from a joyful celebration to a daunting day. While the laughing family, gleaming silverware, or perfectly cooked turkey of Norman Rockwell’s Freedom from Want painting is our ideal, reality sometimes looks very different. Continue Reading...

The silver lining to Biden’s victory

This election is the final proof we didn’t need that the Republican Party of 2020 is truly the party of Donald Trump. He remade the party in imago Trumpi. As a result of his ascent within the party, many conservative ideas are ideologically homeless. Continue Reading...

Do economists agree?

Listen to politicians or cable news, and you will get the impression that economics is merely a thin veil for partisanship, the greatest mercenary discipline for justifying any policy. You can seemingly find at least one economist to agree with you; liberal economists favor liberal policies, while conservative economists favor conservative policies. Continue Reading...