Lilla Nóra Kiss

Lilla Nóra Kiss, Ph.D., is a senior policy analyst at Information Technology & Innovation Foundation (ITIF) and a visiting scholar and adjunct faculty at Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University. Her research focuses on international antitrust law and innovation policy, with a focus on digital platforms.

Posts by Lilla Nóra Kiss

Bigness: American Dream or Nightmare?

Alexander Hamilton, one of America’s Founding Fathers, envisioned a nation not just agriculturally strong but also one that proved to be an industrial powerhouse. His plan centered on a strong private sector with competitive businesses and a supportive, not restrictive, government. Continue Reading...

Is It Time for a Minimum Corporate Tax?

Big reforms should be based on wide consensus. At the height of an economic crisis caused by the combined effects of the pandemic lockdowns and sanctions for Russia’s war in Ukraine, further economic experiments such as a global minimum corporate tax could easily become another example of the law of unintended consequences in action. Continue Reading...