John Armstrong

John H. Armstrong is founder and director of ACT 3, a ministry aimed at "encouraging the church, through its leadership, to pursue doctrinal and ethical reformation and to foster spiritual awakening."

Posts by John Armstrong

The Cause and Cure of Poverty

What causes poverty? The question presently plagues many serious Christian thinkers and leaders. The answers vary but the proposed solutions are the stuff of our political campaigns every four years. We can already hear the discussion from the various candidates for the presidency in 2008, both Republican and Democrat. Continue Reading...

The Abject Failure of the U.N.

The idealism and the goals of the United Nations are laudable. The results, at least in recent years, have often been nothing short of a disaster. One example will suffice—the recently created U.N.’s Continue Reading...

Armstrong’s Acton U Post Index

Here is an index of posts from last week’s Acton University: “What is Man?” Why the Answer Profoundly Matters (June 13) Integrity, Virtue and Vision in the World of Business (June 14) More Sights and Sounds at Acton University (June 15) Protestantism and Natural Law Theory (June 15) Economic Myths and Emergent Christian Thought (June 16) Continue Reading...

Cutting budgets and taxes

Both of our major political parties have missed what seems so obvious. One says that we need more tax cuts to strengthen the economy. This is correct. The problem is that they are not willing to also make serious budget cuts. Continue Reading...

The (civil) religion test

Commentators call it “The Religion Test.” What does it mean when the Constitution says there should be no religious test for holding office in the United States? Historically it has plainly meant that no candidate, be they a Quaker, a Baptist, a Pentecostal or a Mormon can be barred from office because of their religion. Continue Reading...

Christians in the marketplace

This week’s ACT 3 weekly essay, “Why Christians Ought to Make a Difference in the Marketplace,” by David L. Bahnsen: I have heard it said in my life on more than one occasion that God sent his Son to save souls. Continue Reading...

Poverty and the Christian left

There is clearly a “Christian Left” growing among evangelicals in America. We have heard a great deal about the “Christian Right” for more than two decades. I frequently critique this movement unfavorably. Continue Reading...

Evangelical silence and Zimbabwe

Every single day courageous and faithful Christians in Zimbabwe are suffering and dying through their resistance of the brutal reign of president Robert Mugabe. You would never know this is true from the lack of interest or response of conservative Christians in America. Continue Reading...

Freedom Writers

The feature film “Freedom Writers” appeared on DVD this week. It stars two-time Oscar winner Hillary Swank as a very young Long Beach (CA) high school teacher assigned to a freshman English class made up of students all destined to fail. Continue Reading...

John Paul II: a Protestant tribute

Those who know me are not surprised to learn that I sincerely admired Pope John Paul II for many years. At first, like many Protestants, I saw him only as the pope, thus as a person standing in some kind of opposition to my own Christian faith. Continue Reading...