Isaac Willour

Isaac Willour manages corporate engagement at Bowyer Research, America's leading pro-fiduciary proxy consulting firm. A graduate of Grove City College, he is an award-winning journalist and frequent commentator on ESG, DEI, and the culture war, whose work has appeared in a variety of outlets, including Fox News and the New York Times opinion pages. He can be found on X @IsaacWillour.

Posts by Isaac Willour

Can Fraternities Save America?

Dr. Anthony Bradley is on a quest to make fraternities virtuous again. “This is the craziest thing I’ve ever done,” he tells me. “I’m essentially bailing out water on the sinking Titanic.” Continue Reading...

Journalists Worldwide Demand: Free Jimmy Lai

Jimmy Lai, Hong Kong’s most famous freedom fighter, is still in prison. In September, he will face a trial that could leave him spending the rest of his life behind bars for the crime of standing against the Chinese Communist Party’s crackdown on Hong Kong and the civil rights it had enjoyed. Continue Reading...

Jimmy Lai Denied Counsel Yet Again as Power Shifts to Pro-CCP Exec

Jimmy Lai is Hong Kong’s most persecuted freedom fighter. Jailed in December 2020 for the crime of protesting the Chinese Communist Party’s clampdown on civil rights in Hong Kong, the 75-year-old fashion mogul and entrepreneur faces the possibility of life in prison if convicted of violating the CCP’s National Security Law, which took effect in June 2020. Continue Reading...

New UK Report Slams CCP in Jimmy Lai Case

As 75-year-old Jimmy Lai languishes in prison, the Hong Kong government, pressured by the Chinese Community Party (CCP), is dedicated to ensuring that the country’s most famous freedom fighter fails to win any further support for his cause. Continue Reading...

Jesus Revolution and Generation Z’s Religious Crisis

My initial impression of the film Jesus Revolution was a simple one, albeit a bit self-centered from a Gen-Z movie reviewer: This isn’t a Gen-Z movie. Rife with bell-bottom jeans, hippie culture, and portrayals of anti-government angst, the film tells the origin story of the Jesus movement of the 1960s and ’70s, particularly the growth and struggle of the West Coast evangelical group known as Calvary Chapel. Continue Reading...

Ad-Copy Gospel and the Christian Marketing Dilemma

With perhaps the exception of the recent Asbury revival, it’s rare to see Christianity referenced in popular culture in a positive way. Be it debates over Christian nationalism or the tragically unending list of church abuse scandals, Christianity’s portrayal within modern media often swings on a doom-and-gloom pendulum, between the cheery endpoints of authoritarianism and abuse. Continue Reading...