Elise Hilton

Communications Specialist at Acton Institute. M.A. in World Religions.

Posts by Elise Hilton

U.S. Catholic Bishops Issue ‘Special Letter’ on HHS Mandate

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has issued a “special letter” regarding the Obama administration’s HHS mandate. The USCCB, meeting this month in Baltimore, passed the letter unanimously. Calling the HHS mandate “coercive,” the bishops state that they have tried to work with the current administration, to no avail. Continue Reading...

Fighting A Cold, Fighting For Life

Students For Life, an organization for high school, college and grad students, has produced an undercover video showing two women posing as young teens buying Sudafed and Plan B. Guess which one they were allowed to buy? Continue Reading...

Bill Gates and ‘Catalytic Philanthropy’

In today’s Wired, Microsoft founder Bill Gates shares his thought on how busines, government and philanthropy can make positive changes in the world. Gates makes it clear that he is pro-capitalism: I am a devout fan of capitalism. Continue Reading...

Veterans Day Round-Up

In honor of all the men and women who’ve served in our nation’s Armed Forces to protect and defend our liberty, we’ve rounded-up recent posts regarding veterans and the military. Catholic Military Chaplaincy: War-Mongering Or Christlike Service?  Continue Reading...