Radio Free Acton: Ismael Hernandez on the recent ‘Detroit’ film and Jacqueline Isaacs on Libertarian Christians
Religion & Liberty Online

Radio Free Acton: Ismael Hernandez on the recent ‘Detroit’ film and Jacqueline Isaacs on Libertarian Christians

This week on Radio Free Acton, we ask Ismael Hernandez, founder and president of the Freedom and Virtue Institute to give his opinions on the new film “Detroit,” depicting the 1967 12th Street Riots. Hernandez states for listeners how “it is important to know that every time you see a portrayal of a historical event, you need to be able to separate fact from narrative…we have to be able to understand that we are being sold a narrative with the images presented to us.” Following our interview with Hernandez, Jacqueline Isaacs answers our questions regarding her recent lecture given at Acton on Tap. Issacs explains why she believes many people have been told they cannot be both Christian and Libertarian and why they can.

Be sure to check out these additional resources on this week’s podcast topics:

Not Tragically Colored: Freedom, Personhood, and the Renewal of Black America” by Ismael Hernandez

Called to Freedom: Why you Can be Christian and Libertarian” by Jacqueline Isaacs

Detroit” directed by Kathryn Bigelow and written by Mark Boal

Do you have questions for the Radio Free Acton team that you would like answered in future podcast segments? Leave a message at 888-705-4180 or email

Caroline Roberts

Caroline Roberts is a managing editor at the Acton Institute and produces Acton's weekly podcast, Acton Line.