Radio Free Acton: David LaRocca on Brunello Cucinelli’s new philosophy of clothes
Religion & Liberty Online

Radio Free Acton: David LaRocca on Brunello Cucinelli’s new philosophy of clothes

Radio Free ActonOn this edition of Radio Free Acton, we speak with David LaRocca, director of a new documentary called Brunello Cucinelli: A New Philosophy of Clothes.

Brunello Cucinelli is an entrepreneur based in Solomeo, Italy and a rising star in the world of high fashion. While that may be interesting in and of itself, what is far more interesting are the ideas that animate Cucinelli and shape the way he conducts his business and relates to his employees, customers, and community. LaRocca’s documentary reveals an entrepreneur who uses the humanistic tradition in Western philosophy to guide him in his business decisions and relations with his employees, customers, and community. It’s a fascinating story.

You can listen to the podcast via the audio player below; after the jump, check out the trailer for Brunello Cucinelli: A New Philosophy of Clothes.