Radio Free Acton: Bradley Birzer on Russell Kirk and the Genesis of American Conservatism (With Bonus Kirk Video)
Religion & Liberty Online

Radio Free Acton: Bradley Birzer on Russell Kirk and the Genesis of American Conservatism (With Bonus Kirk Video)

This week on Radio Free Acton, we’re joined by Bradley J. Birzer, the Russell Amos Kirk Chair of American Studies and Professor of History at Hillsdale College, and the author of a new biography of the founding father of the American conservative movement, Russell Kirk. Birzer’s book, Russell Kirk: American Conservative, examines the life and thought of Kirk, the means he used to build a conservative Christian humanist movement, and examines Kirk’s influence on conservative leaders who followed.

We at the Acton Institute are great admirers of Kirk, and were greatly blessed to have him serve as a member of our first advisory board at the time of Acton’s founding. We were also honored to host what would be Kirk’s final lecture before his passing in 1994 as part of our Lord Acton Lecture Series. I’ll post that after the jump, along with another gem from Acton’s archives: Kirk’s introduction of his good friend William F. Buckley, Jr. at Acton’s first anniversary dinner, held in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1991, which showcased the great man’s sharp wit and fun-loving spirit.

Russell Kirk’s final public lecture: “Lord Acton on Revolution” – January 10, 1994

Update: Thanks to Dan Hugger for pointing out that Kirk’s lecture is available as an E-book as well.


Russell Kirk introduces William F. Buckley, Jr. at Acton’s first anniversary dinner