“What would happen if instead of focusing on what we don’t have, we consider what God has already given us — our talents, our dreams, our motivations — and offer them back to Him as an act of worship?”
In a new video from HOPE International, we’re challenged to counter our tendencies to approach God through an attitude of lack and self-doubt (“if only I had x I would do y”), trusting instead that God has already given us exactly what we need to obey, serve, and flourish.
After reviewing a series of Biblical examples, we’re reminded that God routinely sparks the most miraculous transformations by beginning with the basic resources at hand, from a boy’s loaves and fishes to David’s sling to a widow’s jar of oil.
“What’s in your hands?” God continues to ask us. How will we respond?
The lesson is foundational and far-reaching, applying to all our modes of service and stewardship. Yet in HOPE’s particular context as a Christian-based microfinance organization, we see how reorienting our hearts and minds not only guide our own efforts, but can transform how we empower and disciple others to do the same.
If offering our gifts and talents back to God is important for each of us, reorienting the position of our hearts and transforming the work of our hands, let’s not ignore this truth as we seek to help those in need.