Over at the IFWE blog, Art Lindsley continues his series on the gifts of the Spirit, offering seven reasons the gifts of the Holy Spirit matter for our work. “Whether working in creation or regeneration, the Spirit constantly empowers us to carry out the callings God places on our lives,” Lindsley writes.
Providing some brief Biblical basis for each, he offers the following reasons:
- The Spirit gives us power.
- We shouldn’t separate “natural” and “spiritual” gifts.
- The Spirit helps us reach our true potential.
- The Spirit provides gifts when we need them.
- The Spirit can increase our gifts for specific tasks.
- The Spirit’s gifts apply to all contexts, not just spiritual ones.
- The gift of leadership applies on many levels.
These points connect well with those developed at length in Charlie Self’s new book, Flourishing Churches and Communities: A Pentecostal Primer on Faith, Work, and Economics for Spirit-Empowered Discipleship, in which Self explores the many ways that the work of the Spirit impacts the work of the Gospel in our churches and communities.
In his chapter on how the Holy Spirit empowers transformation of the economy and society, Self explains the role the Holy Spirit plays in moving us toward a more “creative integration” on such matters:
Jesus promised that his followers would continue through his work through the presence of the Holy Spirit (John 7:37-39; Eph. 1:13-14). Jesus Christ (Matt. 5-9; Luke 4:16-21) continues through his followers. Works of charity, deliverance, healing, forgiveness, peace-making, reconciliation, and wealth creation are present signposts of the age to come. In other words, the Holy Spirit empowers the church to live the future now, demonstrating in proclamation and practice what the future looks like when Christ is fully present… …The gifts of the Spirit enable creative integration of faith, work, and wise participation in the economy…There is no indication…that these or any other expressions of the life of Spirit are confined to church gatherings. One of the defining marks of gospel life is “signs and wonders” that accompany evangelization. A flourishing believer will be open to supernatural wisdom and understanding as he or she carries out daily labors, removing all false separations between “spiritual” and “secular” and leading toward integration that brings glory to God and allows even unbelievers to glorify God for the good works they observe in Christians.
For more, read Flourishing Churches and Communities: A Pentecostal Primer on Faith, Work, and Economics for Spirit-Empowered Discipleship.
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