Tuesday was the first official day of Acton University. I made my way around the Acton office and DeVos Convention Center capturing photos of the initial registration and arrival of participants. Stay tuned for more posts about Acton University.
A view of Grand Rapids from the DeVos Convention Center
A view of the DeVos Convention Center
A view of the Grand River next to the DeVos Convention Center
Charles hands participants their papers
Charles the intern marks the path for participants
Dan mans the Acton front desk
Elise conquering social media
Elise makes additional chalk signals
Elly speaks with participants
Intern Bryan works on getting things together
Intern David tends participant folders
Intern John works on folders
Intern Krisztina works on folders
Interns proved themselves by marking up pavement
Joe Carter, Dylan Pahman, and Jordan Ballor prepare for dinner at AU
Joe hands participants their papers
Kara directs the DeVos staff
Kishore Jayabalan mingles with AU participants
Kresta In the Afternoon live from Acton University
Kris Mauren speaks with AU participants
Michelle helps participants
Our helpful signs tell participants what’s happening
Our important room signs
Our sign before it gets hung
Participants arrive at AU
Participants review their folders
Participants review their papers
Ray holding down the fort
Rev. Robert Sirico speaks with Acton’s Michael Severance from Rome
Samuel Gregg and Ray Nothstine discuss AU
The DeVos Convention Center as participants arrive
The registration booth before everyone arrives
Tom sets up the book shop