- Last week Jordan Ballor joined Paul Edwards to discuss the recently concluded Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization and the broader ecumenical movement. They talked about the relationship between “mainline” and “evangelical” ecumenical groups and the role of these groups in articulating the public and social witness of Christians all over the world. Also be sure to check out his new book, Ecumenical Babel: Confusing Economic Ideology and the Church’s Social Witness.
[audio: http://bonhoeffer.acton.org/acton_media/mp3/2010-10-21_Ballor.mp3] - Acton President Rev. Robert A. Sirico spent an hour on Religion, Politics and the Culture with host Dennis O’Donovan and several callers yesterday discussing Tea Party politics and Catholics. (Hey – did you know that Father Sirico is now on Twitter? You didn’t? Get with the program – follow him here.)
[audio: http://bonhoeffer.acton.org/acton_media/mp3/2010-10-28_Sirico.mp3] - Kishore Jayalaban, Director of Acton’s Rome office, appeared today on Vatican Radio to discuss the decision made at this week’s European Union summit to create a “permanent mechanism” to deal with the financial crisis. Translation: the EU has created a permanent bailout fund. Needless to say, Kishore is not impressed, and explains why in a nearly ten-minute interview.
[audio: http://bonhoeffer.acton.org/acton_media/mp3/2010-10-29_Jayabalan.mp3]
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