Today’s Grand Rapids Press has an article with some background on tonight’s debate between Ron Sider and Rev. Robert A. Sirico. More details are below. If you live in the West Michigan area or are in town tonight, please stop by.
Wealth and Poverty in Light of the Gospel: How Can Christians Work Together if We Disagree?
Mon — October 2, 2006
Grand Rapids, MI
Calvin Theological Seminary
7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Ronald J. Sider, professor of theology and culture at Palmer Theological Seminary of Eastern University in Wynnewood, PA, and Father Robert Sirico, president of the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty, Grand Rapids, MI, will address and respond to each other on how Christian people can work together even if they have different economic/market theories or convictions. The evening will be moderated by Leanne Van Dyk, vice-president of academic affairs at Western Theological Seminary. Co-sponsored by Western Theological Seminary and the Making Connections Initiative at Calvin Theological Seminary. Free and open to the public. Please join us.
Continuing Education Office
Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and Calvin Theological Seminary
3233 Burton St. SE
Grand Rapids MI 49546