Upcoming scholarship deadline: July 15
Religion & Liberty Online

Upcoming scholarship deadline: July 15

Time is running out to apply for the Acton Institute’s Calihan Academic Grants! These awards are designed to support seminarians and graduate students in theology, philosophy, politics, economics, or related fields as they engage in serious study on the relationship between religion, liberty, theology, the free market, and the virtuous society.

If you or someone you know is interested in applying, go to the Calihan Academic Grants page, where you can apply now or learn more about eligibility and application requirements. Grant awards ranging from $500 – $3000 are awarded by Acton’s Research department to candidates with a demonstrated interest in the themes of the Acton Institute, and the potential to advance those themes. To qualify for the upcoming deadline for the Fall 2019 Calihan Academic Grants, all application materials must be submitted electronically by July 15. For more information, contact Grants and Awards at Grants-Awards@acton.org.


Photo credit: United States Library of Congress‘s Prints and Photographs division under the digital ID highsm.11604.

Stanley Schwartz

Stanley Schwartz is a research intern at the Acton Institute. A former Fulbright postgraduate scholar, he has Bachelor’s degrees in History and Economics.