Radio Free Acton: Ashanti Bryant explains AmplifyGR; What is a government shutdown?
Religion & Liberty Online

Radio Free Acton: Ashanti Bryant explains AmplifyGR; What is a government shutdown?

On this episode of Radio Free Acton, Acton’s Tyler Groenendal speaks with Dave Hebert, professor of economics at Aquinas College, about the current government shutdown and what effect is has on individuals and businesses. In another segment, we have a conversation about community revitalization with Ashanti Bryant, director of education at AmplifyGR, a nonprofit working to build flourishing neighborhoods in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Check out these additional resources on this week’s podcast topics:

Register here to hear Ashanti Bryant speak on Purpose Built Communities on January 24 in Grand Rapids

Learn more about AmplifyGR

Read “What you should know about the 2018 partial government shutdown” by Joe Carter

Read “Shutdown Squeezes Small Businesses That Do Work for Government” by Andrew Duehren

Do you have questions for the Radio Free Acton team that you would like answered in future podcast segments? We want to hear from you! Leave a message at 888-705-4180 or email Lastly, if you like what you heard on today’s episode, don’t forget to give us a rating on iTunes.

Featured image by Scott Kirkwood/NPCA used under Creative Commons license (CC BY-ND 2.0). Image not for reuse.

Caroline Roberts

Caroline Roberts is a managing editor at the Acton Institute and produces Acton's weekly podcast, Acton Line.