John Bolton unveils new Trump Administration Africa policy; Joel Salatin on how past practices harmed Africa
Religion & Liberty Online

John Bolton unveils new Trump Administration Africa policy; Joel Salatin on how past practices harmed Africa

On December 13, National Security Advisor John Bolton delivered an address at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C. unveiling the Trump Administration’s new approach to relations with Africa. Part of the revised approach includes re-focusing US Aid efforts away from traditional government-to-government aid, and placing an increased focus on fostering private economic growth and governmental transparency.

Acton has been speaking about the problems with foreign aid programs for many years; here we feature a portion of an interview conducted in 2011 with author, commentator and farmer Joel Salatin, who shares how African farmers complained to him about the clear negative impacts of US aid programs on local productive capacity in their home countries.

You can find more on how to alleviate global poverty and spur human flourishing at PovertyCure.