Video: Hank Meijer on the global impact of Senator Arthur Vandenberg
Religion & Liberty Online

Video: Hank Meijer on the global impact of Senator Arthur Vandenberg

Students of 20th century American history know of the importance of the Marshall Plan to the effort to rebuild Europe after World War II, as well as the leading role taken by the United States in building international institutions and alliances that would be central to maintaining peace and checking the expansionist desires of the communist world. What you may not know is that a central figure in the creation of those institutions was a United States Senator from Michigan who, prior to the war, had been a leader of the isolationist faction in Congress. The story of how Arthur Vandenberg came to be one of the founders of modern American foreign policy is recounted in Arthur Vandenberg: The Man in the Middle of the American Century, a new book from Hank Meijer.

On September 20th, Acton welcomed Meijer to tell that story as part of the 2018 Acton Lecture Series, and we’re pleased to be able to share the video with you below.