Radio Free Acton: Discussing Pope Francis’ views on Economics; Upstream on Bob Dylan and Thomas Merton
Religion & Liberty Online

Radio Free Acton: Discussing Pope Francis’ views on Economics; Upstream on Bob Dylan and Thomas Merton

On this episode of Radio Free Acton, Dan Hugger, librarian and research associate at Acton, speaks with Robert Whaples, research fellow at the Independent Institute and professor of economics at Wake Forest University on Pope Francis’ views on capitalism in a preview of Prof. Whaples’ upcoming Acton Lecture Series talk. Then, on the Upstream segment, Bruce Edward Walker talks to author, musician, and poet Robert Hudson, on the connections between the singer Bob Dylan and writer Thomas Merton.

Check out these additional resources on this week’s podcast topics:

Read “A polite rebuke of Pope Francis’ economic confusion” by Bruce Edward Walker

Buy Pope Francis and the Caring Society 

Register for Acton’s Lecture Series event: Can a capitalist society also be a caring society? A dialogue between economists and Pope Francis 

Buy The Monk’s Record Player: Thomas Merton, Bob Dylan, and the Perilous Summer of 1966 by Robert Hudson

Learn more about writer, musician, and poet Robert Hudson

Do you have questions for the Radio Free Acton team that you would like answered in future podcast segments? Leave a message at 888-705-4180 or email

Caroline Roberts

Caroline Roberts is a managing editor at the Acton Institute and produces Acton's weekly podcast, Acton Line.