Acton Institute Powerblog

Promoting free societies characterized by liberty & religious principles

Well, allow me to re-tort

Last month the Pacific Research Institute released a report estimating that costs associated with the American tort system exceed $865 billion per year (HT). Check it out for a detailed breakdown and comparison of these costs with other sectors of the economy and government spending. Continue Reading...

Patriotism, Politics and Christianity

Between the outrageous actions of legislators, controversial supreme court decisions and the upcoming presidential election, every day the news is bombarded with stories and opinions that do not coincide with biblical convictions. Continue Reading...

Randy E. Barnett: A Principled Commitment to the Truth

The term “Greenhouse effect” is primarily used by the environmentalist movement as an explanation for global warming, but in 1992 Judge Laurence Silberman appropriated the term and in a clever play on words linked it to Linda Greenhouse, the Pulitzer Prize–winning reporter who covered the Supreme Court at the New York Times for more than 40 years. Continue Reading...

An Economist’s Summer Reading List

It’s summer and you know what that means: it’s time to ice your latte or lemonade, head to the porch, and catch up on your reading. For those who’ve attended Acton University before, you know the staff curates an impressive collection of books for sale. Continue Reading...

Hope in a Time of Secular Despair

“Humans are not well-suited to radical immanence.” After all, those who believe only in what they can see are still made in the image of God and possess a supernatural purpose even when they reject any kind of transcendent reality. Continue Reading...