With Neil Gorsuch elected to the Supreme Court in mid April, and a slate of other candidates on Trump’s radar for the lower courts, there is a clear commitment by the Trump administration to the election of conservative appointees to the federal judiciary. Could this be a judicial renaissance of sorts? Will there be a resurgence of true conservatism and originalism in the courts?
To find out, come join us on Thursday May 11 at Acton’s headquarters in Grand Rapids, MI for lunch and a lecture on the Trump Administration and the future of the federal judiciary by Leonard Leo. If you are not familiar with Leo, he has served as executive vice president and member of the board of the Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies and as an outside adviser to President Donald Trump on the Supreme Court. Leo is commonly regarded in political circles as being a key leader in the confirmation of multiple Supreme Court justices, most recently Gorsuch, and formerly Roberts and Alito. Leo, a leading expert on law and politics, is an ardent supporter of liberty and firmly committed to advancing limited, constitutional government.
See today’s Wall Street Journal editorial, “Here come the Trump judges.”
You can register here for the upcoming event! Doors open at 11:30 am.
Images: CCO