Rev. James V. Schall: ‘A Final Gladness’
Religion & Liberty Online

Rev. James V. Schall: ‘A Final Gladness’

On Dec. 7, Rev. James V. Schall, S.J., will deliver his last lecture at Georgetown University in Washington as he prepares for retirement. A great friend of Acton, Rev. Schall will be speaking in Gaston Hall in a lecture titled “A Final Gladness.” A good turnout is expected so register in advance by contacting by Nov. 28.

To see an archive of Rev. Schall’s Acton articles, please go to this link.

From his Georgetown bio:

Father Schall’s interests include classical and medieval political philosophy, natural law, Christian political philosophy, and the nature of political philosophy. His books include: Reason, Revelation, and the Foundations of Political Philosophy; Another Sort of Learning; At the Limits of Political Philosophy; Jacques Maritain: The Philosopher in Society. He also writes two columns, “Sense and Nonsense,” in Crisis magazine and “Schall on Chesterton,” in Gilbert!.

John Couretas

is a writer and editor based in Grand Rapids, Michigan.