Donald Trump’s victory in the 2024 presidential election was undoubtably a referendum on the current political trajectory of the United States. He won both the popular vote, the first Republican since 2004 to do so, and a significant Electoral College majority, securing the largest electoral margin for a Republican since George H.W. Continue Reading...
Latest Posts
January 14, 2025
Thinking Critically about Critical Theory
Hope College required all seniors to take a “senior seminar,” the ostensible purpose of which was to help each student refine his or her “worldview.” Not liking, for a variety of reasons, the word worldview with its implicit relativism, I could nonetheless use the course to get students to struggle through competing “worldviews.” Continue Reading...
January 09, 2025
The Historian as Priestly Gardener
Contemporary Western culture is profoundly ahistorical, Sarah Irving-Stonebraker reasons in her latest book, Priests of History: Stewarding the Past in an Ahistoric Age. The Australian professor devotes the first quarter of the book to making the case that, around 2010, the occidental world entered this “phase of late modernity,” to which she assigns the moniker “the Ahistoric Age.” Continue Reading...
January 08, 2025
Jordan Peterson’s Bible Study
If there’s one thing Jordan B. Peterson has proved in his almost-decade run as an internationally known public intellectual, it’s that he can fight. Since his 2016 criticism of a Canadian law for effectively compelling speech related to the use of certain gender pronouns, the professional psychologist and academic has taken on a host of rhetorical sparring partners on Canadian, British, and Australian television; he’s also argued with prominent politicians, scientists, academics, and bloggers. Continue Reading...
January 07, 2025
The Liberty-Virtue Dance
Conservative politics in 2025 faces a defining moment. The long-standing fusion of moral traditionalism and political libertarianism has lost its once dominant influence, with the risk of becoming irrelevant. Under Vice President-elect J.D. Continue Reading...
January 02, 2025
The Invasion of the Cloud Capitalists
During the Obama era, one of the popular tropes among Marxists was that of “capitalist realism.” Developed at length by the late Mark Fisher in his 2009 Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative? Continue Reading...
December 31, 2024
This New Year—Be Still
Open any paper, anywhere, anytime. In it you will find the news. There were many news stories throughout 2024 featuring the rise and fall of governments. Some orderly and peaceful through elections, as in the United States. Continue Reading...
December 26, 2024
Temptation and Corruption in The Rings of Power
At nearly $60 million per episode, the first season of Amazon’s The Rings of Power was a historic investment in bringing a famed literary universe to the small screen. Reviewers and audiences were initially ambivalent about the series. Continue Reading...
December 24, 2024
Bloody Sunday, Black Friday, and Christmas
In the opening track to their now-classic 1983 album, War, Irish rock band U2 sang about “Sunday Bloody Sunday.”
I can’t believe the news today
Oh, I can’t close my eyes and make it go away
Broken bottles under children’s feet
Bodies strewn across the dead-end street
But I won’t heed the battle call
It puts my back up, puts my back up against the wall
Bono was supposedly singing about the “Bloody Sunday” of January 20, 1972, in which 26 unarmed protesters were shot by British troops in Bogside in Derry, Northern Ireland. Continue Reading...
December 23, 2024
Christmas and the Joy of Extravagance
Joseph Bottum’s name is likely familiar to many readers of Religion and Liberty: From his tenure as editor-in-chief at First Things to his lovely poetry to his essays at premier venues like The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, andThe Times of London, Bottum has been a leading figure of conservative American letters for decades. Continue Reading...